Sternbergia greuteriana

Lauw de Jager
Thu, 02 Oct 2003 02:50:03 PDT
Dear John, 
May I chip here in a private conversation.
 I grow large quanties of S lutea angustifolia. It looks to me as a hybrid
between S lutea and S sicula. The sterile flowers  are just like S lutea
(rounded petals)  The silvery line is is also present in the very narrow
leaves of S sicula but are  narrower that S lutea.  This plant is a common
'wild'garden plant in France and Italy.  On the other hand S sicula of which
a large clumps has just finished flowering has typical pointed petals.

 le 2/10/03 1:34, John Lonsdale à a écrit :
> Apologies, this should have gone to Jane directly.
> Just a quick note with a question.  The ex Mike Salmon Sternbergia lutea
> ssp. angustifolia you sent me looks and behaves remarkably like Sternbergia
> sicula here.  Is this something you've noticed?  It flowers at exactly the
> same time as sicula - approx. 2-3 weeks before lutea, but especially it has
> the tell-tale silver stripe down the center of the leaves which I have never
> seen on any luteas.

Lauw de Jager

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