
Alan Meerow miaam@ars-grin.gov
Fri, 23 Apr 2004 04:11:56 PDT

Ismene: leaf sheaths forming a prolonged pseudostem, flowers declinate to
pendulous, staminal cup usually striped green within along the filamental
trace, ovules 2-4 per locule; endemic to Central Andes of Ecuador, Peru and

Hymenocallis: leaves never forming a prolonged pseudostem, flowers sub-erect
to erect, staminal cup never striped green within, ovules 2-10 per locule,
mostly absent from South America (natively in northern S. Amer only and
never in the Andes).

Alan W. Meerow, Ph.D., Research Geneticist and Systematist
USDA-ARS-SHRS, National Germplasm Repository
13601 Old Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33158 USA
voice: (305) 254-3635   fax: (305) 969-6410
email: miaam@ars-grin.gov

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lauw de Jager" <dejager@bulbargence.com>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 6:21 AM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Hymenocallis--TOW

> Dear Lee,
>  I probably missed out somewhere.  Can you tell me please the difference
> between Ismene and Hymenocallis.
> Regards Lauw
>  le 23/04/04 2:15, Lee Poulsen à wlp@Radar-Sci.Jpl.Nasa.Gov a écrit :
> > Plus, I grow
> > the two hybrids that are always sold by the regular nurseries, which
> > might be Ismenes rather than Hymenocallis (x festalis and Sulphur
> Lauw de Jager
> Bulb'Argence
> Mas d'Argence
> 30300 Fourques France
> tel 31(0)466 016 519  fax 0466 011 245
> http://www.bulbargence.com/
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