
P. C. Andrews pcamusa@hotmail.com
Sun, 25 Apr 2004 18:02:36 PDT
Kevin- Thanks for the information.
A synonym for H. arenicola is H. declinata.  Described in Flora of the 
Bahama Archipelago (Correll) as Bulb large.  Leaves basal, erect spreading; 
blades fleshy, smooth, dark-green, 4-6 dm long, 4-6 cm wide, etc.  Scape 
almost equalling the leaves.  Gracts large, scarious, ovate to lanceolate, 
3-6 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide.  Flowers 7 - 13 in sessile umbel, white, 
fragrant;tube filiform, rarely longer than 10 cm.

I have a picture somewhere that I will post when I find it.

Interesting that H. expansa and H. carribae are not listed in the Flora, 
only arenicola, lattifolia (caymenensis), and speciosa.  Synonyms?  Ah well, 
this discussion has been a great help in getting started on the IDs.
Phil Andrews

>From: "Kevin D. Preuss" <hyline@tampabay.rr.com>
>Reply-To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
>To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
>Subject: Re: [pbs] Hymenocallis--TOW
>Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 09:25:21 -0400
>Phil -
>This seems to be the case in the West Indes and Meso America - one grows
>along the coast and the other is more riparian.
>Typically H. carribbeae occurs on the island while latifolia gows on the
>coastline of the Gulf dwn into Central America beaches.
>I've yet to figure out what H. expansa is ( I think this one lacks a 
>H. aerenicola I am not that familiar with.  (mine has a neck and 3 
>The other plant you have could be H. expansa as I have heard of this
>occurring on one end of an island while H. carribeae formed large 
>on the other side of the isalnd.
>Kevin Preuss
> > The out islands of the northern Bahamas have two 'endemic' 
> > (that I've seen). I hesitate on the endemic status of these 
> > I've seen one them frequently in the wild, the area has been 
settled for
> > quite a while and I keep second-guessing myself as to the species. 
  One is
> > relatively large-bulbed (H. arenicola?) and grows in the coral 
sand dunes
> > right up to the storm line.  The bulbs are oten deeply buried.  It 
> > divide and is remarkable tolerant of salt and the winter drought.  
It is
> > interesting to observe this lily growing out of the debris line 
from past
> > hurricanes on some of the uninhabited shorelines.  Its not clear 
how far
> > these plants have been carried by the storms.
> > The second species grows more inland, offsets freely and has 
> > narrower, more upright leaves that come to a distinct point.  The 
> > are correspondingly smaller and have a relatively small corolla.   
> > never observed this species on the dunes and its usually 
associated with
> > human habitation- often with abandoned settlements.
> > Virtually all plants exhibit some degree of infection 
(Cercospora?) as
> > begin to go dormant during the dry season although plants on the 
> > appear to be much less susceptible.
> > Thanks for the useful discussion,
> > Phil Andrews
> >
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