Gethyllis cilliaris

Robert Werra
Sat, 04 Dec 2004 21:01:42 PST
Dear John; I am not an expert on Gethyllis, but I grow
Gethyllis villosa in a climate simmilar to LA- No.
Calif. It's a winter raifall So. African. A July TOW
was on Gethyllis with discusion by a coule of experts.
If you can't find them contact me. I may have printed
one. I would plant right away and start watering.
Sincerely, Bob Werra
--- John Ingram <> wrote:

> Can anyone give me some info on this plant? A
> supplier
> has offered me some bulbs but I have no idea what to
> do with them if I get them.
> =====
> John Ingram in L.A., CA. 
> check it out 
> 310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call
> accordingly. Thank you)
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