Malodorous eucomis
Wed, 04 Feb 2004 15:07:12 PST
This past summer, I devoted considerable effort to searching for the dead
mouse in the greenhouse, only to discover that the smell emanated from a
group of Eucomis montana in bloom.  Handsome, but nasty!

Ellen Hornig

Original Message:
From: John Grimshaw
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 20:33:25 -0000
Subject: Re: [pbs] Propagating Eucomis vandermerwei 

I may have been a bit hasty recommending seed propagation for Eucomis
vandermerwei, but I started with seed and got a batch of about 80 flowering
plants in the third year. These all set seed very well, so I had no idea
that seed was otherwise not so freely produced. Perhaps it needs
cross-fertilization. I noticed that my plants were abundantly visited by
flies - the flowers are malodorous - and they may have effected pollination.

Apart from the malodorous flowers it is a most charming plant.

John Grimshaw


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