TOW - F&W Alstromeria germination

David Victor
Sat, 17 Jan 2004 09:41:14 PST
Hi there Diane,

John Watson was not specific about locations, only describing collections 
areas in 2001.  The ones covering Alstromerias were notated as A & B, where

A - Chilean Northern Pacific Coastal and Inland Desert
Climate - High subtropical latitude.  Hot in summer, mild winters. Usually 
low to extremely low (near zero) rainfalls, but with exceptionally heavy 
rains at approx 5-10 year intervals during El Nino events.  Inland diurnal 
temperatures are more extreme: nights can be very cold, 
including  freezing, and atmosphere is low in humidity.  Proximity to 
Pacific reduces diurnal and annual temperature extremes (frost free) and 
generally increases ambient humidity, in particular as a result of many 
days of damp sea fogs throughout the year.  Above average precipitation and 
fogs increase progressively over ca 100m on the 2000m plus coastal 
hills.  In partiuclar the high range behind Taltal and Paposo attract 
significant regular annual rainfall and mists, creating a high oasis which 
flowers more or less well virtually every year.
Terrain.  Dry, more or less bare, rocky hillslopes and coastal 
plain.  Coastal shores and immediate hinterlands often consist of pure 
sandfields or semi-stable dunes.
Altitude. 1-1300m
Vegetation.  Mostly concentrated in valleys, hollows, etc where any 
precipitation runs or collects.  Also in sandy places and summit 
regions.  Basically xeric and succulent shrubs, cacti, annuals and geophytes.

B - Chilean coastal pacific mediterranean zone -
Climate.Hot dry summers, partially modified by regular sea fogs; Winters 
and spring mild, with very variable but regular significant rainfalls, 
peaking at 5-10 year intervals by el Nino.  Virtually frost free.
Terrain.  Low coastal hills, plains and valleys, cliffs and clifftop plateaux.
Altitude. 1-500m
Vegetation. Rich and overall. Mostly open littoral shrublands, beach and 
dune communities and annual-grass dominated meadows.  Shrubs (often 
semi-xeric), cacti and succulents, perennials, annuals, grasses (mainly 
fairly ephemeral), geophytes and occasional trees.

>9531 magnifica ssp maxima - B, inland 200-300m

>9582 diluta ssp chrysantha (yellow) - B - coastal

>9558 diluta ssp chrysantha (pink) - A coastal

>9575 hookeri ssp cumingiana - B inland 300-500m

>9578 hookeri ssp maculata - B coastal, a spot endemic

>9580 magenta - B somewhat inland 400m

>9604 pulchra v pulchra - B littoral

>Not yet germinated:
>9507 and 9551 crispata - A inland 1000m

>10300 pseudospathulata -

This one was from 2002, conditions V

Climate. Mediterranean alpine type.  Long summers, mainly hot and dry, but 
somewhat shorter and marginally cooler than further north in the central 
temperate cordilleras and punctuated by more frequent unsettled periods and 
mountain mists.  winters are correspondingly longer than further 
north.  Locally, summer nights are milder than for the main Talca 
cordillera due east.
Terrain.  (for this one) upper crumbled white granite fields and meadows at 
Altitude. 1000-2000m
Vegetation upper flattened nothofagus, bunch grass and Andean flora.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
David Victor  

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