
Floral Architecture
Sun, 19 Jun 2005 10:32:25 PDT
Thanks Mary Sue,
I hadn't heard from anyone so I thought I was the only one growing it. 
I divided, quite agressively, on of the pots. It is now 6 or 7 1 gallon pots. The fans are all putting out new growth so I am encouraged that they are not dead. Somewhere I found a reference that they are very difficult to reestablish if they are divided, but I did it anyway. You never know until you try. 
Now, I just have to wait until they are all full again before I can resell them. 
They came from Monterey Bay nursery up your way so I think that they should do fairly well in your area as well. 
There is no mention on their web site about my species but here is what Luen has to say:

"Patersonia occidentalis -- PURPLE FLAGS -- an evergreen iris relative, something like an Australian version of our native Pacific Coast iris, found growing in widely distributed regions across the continent. It bears showy medium purple flowers to about 2" across on stalks to about 12-18", just above the leaves. They are produced heavily in spring but also show color right through summer, fall and winter, unlike our native iris which are strictly spring blooming (except for one variety). This has been an extremely bulletproof grower for us, with no losses in production. This is rare for most of what we grow, you always expect to lose a few plants for one reason or another, but particularly so for Australian varieties. I think this plant deserves wider consideration and use, especially in commercial or large scale situations where our native iris or hybrids are desired but growing conditions aren't optimal. I have seen large, good looking permanent plantings in Santa Cruz growing in
 wet, perched soils, one near West Cliff Drive. Drought tolerant, probably frost tolerant to 20°F and probably more. Needs only average drainage and little summer watering but clearly will tolerate summer watering if applied. If plants look ratty, treat them like our own native iris and shear them to the ground around December. There is a yellow variant but I haven't seen it in the trade in the US. Australia. Iridaceae. rev 3/2005 "

John Ingram in L.A., CA. "Your Clivia Connection"
310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)

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