Alliuim caeruluem

Jim McKenney
Sat, 11 Jun 2005 07:17:27 PDT
I've posted two images of Allium caeruleum to the wiki. Take a look at:…

This is the poor man's blue-flowered Allium, and it is really a beautiful

The plants shown are second year plants (second year from the commercial
source), and true to form (in my experience at least) the umbels are
irregular and have "satellite" umbels popping out of them. Also, if you look
closely, you may be able to see that the umbels are also somewhat

First year plants typically produce very regular umbels which are not

Evidently this one likes dry summer conditions; plants in the open garden
rarely persist, but those kept dry during the summer do. That may explain
why this plant - readily and inexpensively available and so beautiful - is
not commonly seen in gardens in this area. 

The orange flower seen in one of the images is the perennial poppy variously
known as Papaver atlanticum or P. rupifragum. The poppy and the blue allium
are made for each other!

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where most of the big
ornamental onions are past their prime. 

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