Codonopsis sp. - need an identification
Sun, 27 Aug 2006 12:16:34 PDT

Spontaneously appearing in my garden, twining up through a rhododendron, is a 
Codonopsis species.  I don't have any Codonopsis in the garden, so its 
appearance is somewhat of a mystery.  Possibly I tossed out some old seed, or dumped 
some soil from ungerminated seed flats.  The leaves are glabrous, widely 
elliptical, and arranged in 4-part whorls. The large, waxy, egg-like buds started 
opening just last week, near the end of August 2006.  The flowers are milky 
green-white on the outside, and dull purplish inside (with a faint bluish 
sheen)... solid purplish on the upper half, white heavily spotted purple in the 
lower half.

Two photos taken in the rain today (8/27/2006):

Anyone know what species it might be? 

I tried to make an identification online using a Google search, but find 
there are many, many species, it's rather confusing, and I haven't been able to 
pinpoint an ID.

PS.  This message also sent to Alpine-L.  Since there is a wiki page for 
Codonopsis, I thought I'd post this to PBS as well.

Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States "New England" USDA Zone 5
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