The story of "xMangave" as reported by San Marcos growers:… (But note that the Yuccado website still lists it as a variety of M. variegata). The interesting question, if Manfreda and Polianthes are "really" Agave, is how long we have to wait for a large polycarpic rosette with flowers that smell like tuberose. I can't help with Polianthes hardiness, but I've managed to kill a few in zone 9b/17 with insufficient summer water and/or heat. Max Withers Oakland CA > Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 16:58:28 -0000 > From: "John Grimshaw" <> > > ... > > Tony - the origins of 'Macha Mocha' weren't quite clear to me from your post > yesterday. Was the wild parent plant an obvious hybrid (i.e. F1) such that > 'Macha Mocha' and its unreleased sib seedling are F2? > > Did its flowering at YD in 2003 result in any seed being set? > > John Grimshaw > > Sycamore Cottage > Colesbourne > Nr Cheltenham > Gloucestershire GL53 9NP