pollen availablity

Bonsaigai37@aol.com Bonsaigai37@aol.com
Tue, 31 Jan 2006 13:57:52 PST
Hello All,
Tis the season for flowers in the Hippeastrum/Clivia  world.  Does any one 
have any of the following for trade or  purchase?
Pollen for:
Hippeastrum reginae
H. barbatum
H. cybister
H. neopardinum (non-Doran collection)
Clivia miniatum with colors of light peach, bi-color, and/or  picotee.
I have or will have all the Hippeastrum species above and a  few others (100 
or so cultivars) and yellow Clivia (nice Nakamura yellow  with high flower 
count and broad petals).
Thank you kindly,
Michael Loos

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