Lilium Pardalinum Seed

Jim McKenney
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:48:50 PST
Check the wiki, Dennis.

There you will see some photos of Lilium grayi growing in my garden.

Seed of Lilium grayi and seed of Lilium pardalinum germinate under very
different conditions. They both germinate hypogeally, but Lilium grayi seed
requires roughly three months of moist WARM conditions to form a tiny bulb.
Then, after about three months of cold conditions, it produces the first

Note that the name is properly grayi, not grayii.

Lilium grayi may well be a relict species: it seems to grow much more
vigorously far to the north of its current natural range. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Lilium grayi has grown
well for years. 

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