Wiki Pages, Crinum, and Crinum Hybrids

Joe Shaw
Tue, 25 Jul 2006 17:22:37 PDT
Hi Gang,

I looked up some various Crinum hybrids on the WWW and was led to the PBS 
Crinum hybrid Wiki page.  Wow!  That page has grown and improved a lot in 
the past year or two.  Similarly, the Crinum page (species) has lots of 
wonderful information.

Thanks all.  Thanks to the PBS, and thanks to Jay Yourch, Alani Davis, 
Alberto Grossi, Cameron McMaster, Jim McKenny, Nestor White, David Fenwick, 
Angello Porcelli, Rogan Roth, Bill Dijk, and anyone else I have missed.  I 
enjoy the photos, the added notes, and the energy.

LINK:  Crinum PBS Wiki…

LINK:  Crinum Hybrids PBS Wiki…


Conroe, TX.  Lots of rain today, more is predicted for tonight.

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