
David Victor
Sat, 03 Jun 2006 09:08:54 PDT
I've just read the pieces about Alstromeria and their hardiness and 
thought that I might some experience from the UK.

I grow a fair number of species Alstromeria, mainly from John Watson 
collections.  All of them are grown in deep pots in a cold greenhouse 
- late frosts in my part of the UK (most years the last one is around 
this point of the year) make it impossible to grow them 
outside.  Normally they flower in mid spring, mostly April 
time.  However, this year, a cold period early in the year penetrated 
the greenhouse protection and destroyed some of the top growth.  As a 
result, they have been set back by a couple of months and are just 
coming into flower now.  A. pulchra, A. patagonica, A gayan, A. 
pelegrina and A. magenta are all in flower today and more are breaking.

The Bomarea suffered a similar fate and are also in the process of 
flowering today.

Incidentally, someone asked last year for me to swap notes on 
Watson's collections.  Sadly, I have lost the note, so I would 
welcome a reminder of who it was.

Best regards,
David Victor 

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