OH Update

Floral Architecture john@floralarchitecture.com
Tue, 13 Jun 2006 17:45:20 PDT
I've now left OH and have returned to sunnier locales. 
  There are a few things that I forgot to mention about OH that should be noted. 
  The Eremerus are up and doing really well. I have tried planting these in various locations but none have done as well as the ones that my uncle planted, I'm sure haphazardly many moons ago. Oh well. Maybe I should let him plant more of them. 
  I have successfully moved several Ipheion bulbs around the garden and they appear to be taking off. Also my Alberto Castillo as thriving so far. 
  The Rhodophialas are all up and nice and green. 
  There is one Hippeastrum Yellow Goddess that has returned for it's third year. Yeah. No blooms but it is surviving. 
  It seems that all the Dahlias have disappeared. They must have been too dry over the winter. But, I got 6 years from them in the ground so I can't complain. 
  I planted a variegated horseradish (that counts as a geop0hyte, right???). I found a quart size pot for a steal. I've been told by several people that I will be sorry that I planted it but the foliage is so stunning that I can't resist. 
  I also want to get a nice red rhubard as an ornamental. 
  I only get to see a few stragling stems from the tulips and I am never sure how well they bloom. My aunt and uncle are not the greatest photographers. But this year my aunt did get a few shots if various beds. The tulip 'President Kennedy' from Brent and Becky's 4 years ago (or so) have made one heck of a display and I would love to get more of them to add to the rest of the flower bed. I origianlly planted 500 and had many ripped out over the years as I thought it looked like they didn't bloom too well. Guess I should have left them alone. 
  The daffodil foliage is not even starting to wilt yet. It is very strange. It is usually really yellow when I am there earlier in the year. 
  I had peonies and roses flowering together. I should have gotten a photo but the rains made the rose blooms shed before the peonies and then it was mute to photograph them. 
  I want to add some more tulips in the Ligularia 'Britt Marie Crawford'. I'm looking for a nice peach color. I've thought about Menton or Blushing Lady. I've had the latter before and it wasn't in a protected area so it fell over. The Ligularia is very protected and I think the purple foliage will look great with the peach. But, I am up for suggestions. I'd like to have something that will last. I've had Salmon Pearl and seems to last for a few years. 
  The tulip 'Princess Irene' has faded in the moist areas of the garden but in the bed that isn't watered under the small lilac bushes, it returns with the grape hyacinths. I would plant the whole yard with grape hyacinths if I could. I know they are common but what an impact. 
  The Colchicums (Lilac Wonder and Waterlily) were just starting to die down. 
  I finally found places for the Fritillaria imperalis. I mentioned it before but my aunt's photos comfirmed that it flowers really well where it is at, under the birch on a sloped bed that gets no water and is constantly dry, even after a rain and at the mailbox in nearly pure sand. Maybe I will increase the quantity of them this fall in these areas. 
  The daylilies are doing really well. I have them in every bed in the yard, some in great quantity. I planted 37 more. I planted 25 H. 'Nanuq' a near white diploid and 'Velvet Shadows', a lovely rich plum chocolate. 
  I have many from Jim Shields (which I have never seen bloom myself but they could bloom when I am not there) that my aunt likes as well as some from Ensata Gardens. 
  Japanese iris were just starting to bloom when I left. I wish I had names on many of them but they have been lost or were never known. Is there anyone that is an expert on Jap. iris cultivars? I could cite most of my sources if that would help narrow it down. 
  Well, that is enough for now. 

John Ingram in L.A., CA. 
http://www.floralarchitecture.com/ "Your Clivia Connection"
310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)

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