Today in my garden

aaron floden
Thu, 30 Mar 2006 16:03:56 PST

 I used to have deer problems, but I rarely see them
in my yard anymore since my Grandmother(up in NW
Montana where garden grown tomatos are like gold) told
me to tie dryer sheets to little stakes stuck at
intervals, every 100 ft, throughout the garden. They
might look awful but they work! I had a lily lose its
top half for 3 years running until I followed her
instructions. The Lily finally got to bloom last year
at 6.5 feet high and 13 highly fragrant trumpets. In
fact I have had no deer problems since the placement
of the dryer sheets. They fade quickly after a few
storms or you can selectively place them where they
will be hidden. They seem to last for a whole year. 

 Now I just need to rid my garden of the neighbors
dogs, squirrels, and the rabbits.

 All the best, 
 Aaron Floden: Manhattan,KS
 garden: Stilwell, KS z5/6


--- Jim McKenney <> wrote:

> Last year I moved many of the lilies from the back
> garden which backs onto
> the woods (read deer buffet) to the front garden. It
> may have been a waste
> of time. 
> Now I'm trying to decide which style of deer netting
> will be least obtrusive
> in the front garden. I won't be the first in the
> area to do this. 
> Jim McKenney
> Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7

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