Anouncing the North American Clivia Society show and sale

Joe Dana
Sat, 11 Mar 2006 19:09:25 PST
Dear Pacific Bulb Society members:

  I would please like to announce the North American Clivia Society annual
show and sale this coming Saturday March 18 at the Huntington Library and
Botanic Garden 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, California 91108
  The show is open to the public between 12:00 and 5:00 Entry fee applies
only to entering the Huntington. There is no charge for the show.
  There will also be an excellent round of speakers as well lunch and dinner
for those who choose to attend the symposium portion of the show. It's not
too late to register!
  There will also be a round of tours visiting important private
collections, Quail Botanic Garden as well Booman Floral which is a large
wholesale producer with over 300,000 square foot of greenhouse space.
  Please check out the North American Clivia Society web site at  This will supply all information needed as
well cost of attending the symposium portion of the show.

Thank You,

Joe Dana

                                                         North American
Clivia Society show committee

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