Hypoxis hirsutus

Mark Smyth mark@marksgardenplants.com
Fri, 03 Mar 2006 13:53:30 PST
My potful is very poor looking after the hard frosts, to us anyway, and snow 
of this week. The leaves have become very dry. Has it died? I was told in 
zone 8 it would be hardy.

N Ireland
where the road network ground to a halt this morning due to a fall of 4 
inches of snow in 30 minutes

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dennis Kramb" <dkramb@badbear.com>

>>winter. Hypoxis hirsutus is an uncommon native, and does OK in the
>>open garden. Wish it were a bit more 'weedy'.
> I second that emotion.  I love it, but it's not as vigorous an increaser 
> as
> I'd like for it to be.
> Dennis in Cincinnati

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