Hello...about Hypoxis

mark n suze limelite-1@worldnet.att.net
Thu, 02 Mar 2006 14:20:17 PST
Hello fellow bulb growers!

I've belonged to this great group for some-time now, and have greatly 
enjoyed and learned much from the posts here, yet have had nothing to say 
till now...

I have been growing the Florida native Hypoxis juncea for some time.  Grown 
from plants from So. Lee county which i collected during land-clearing 
operations which are all too common here.  I have been carefully 
hand-pollinating and collecting seeds from them for a while.....they seem to 
take to captivity readily, flowering almost continuously in pots that are 
kept well fed and wet.  I love them....  ;~)

Anyway, i have seeds to give away,... if anyone has been looking to grow 
this very kewl tiny species, endemic to the extreme S.E. states of the US., 
lemme know.  I'd be happy to send some off.

contact me at limelite-1@worldnet.att.net

If a lot of folks want them, it'll have to be 1st come 1st serve, tho i am 
able to collect seeds almost daily...

Oh, almost forgot..i have baby bulbils or bulblets or what-ever from my 
Hippeastrum puniceum which was grown from collected seeds and is 
spectacular.  Have a dozen or so to send-off....FYI

mark (in SW Florida) 

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