2 questions and new e-mail address

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Sun, 05 Mar 2006 08:27:34 PST
Dear Judy,

A lot of South African bulbs need warmth to stay open so they can be open 
longer indoors if it is warm than outdoors. Babianas in my garden often 
bloom a long time if not ruined by the rain. My experience with Sparaxis is 
that is never lasts very long. Even in the garden a week is about the 
longest. That is longer than some that last days however. It would depend 
on how long you need it to be in bloom.

I will change your email address for this list later today (provided I can, 
see note below), but you will need to respond to the confirmation message 
about it.

Mary Sue
In a hurry since the power has just gone out and I am in battery back-up 
and have things to save. It's been raining a lot off and on all week and 
has been very windy as well so no doubt some tree  fell over in the 
saturated soil and hit a power line. Other areas in our community were out 
for 12 hours earlier this week, but we were spared. It looks like our turn now. 

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