Bulbs in the snow

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@starpower.net
Mon, 13 Mar 2006 13:07:09 PST
The threat Dell mentioned has been realized here in Maryland. We have had
temperatures into the low 80s F today. This has fried the flowers on Iris
rosenbachiana, and Fritillaria raddeana will probably lose its earliest
blooms today, too. 

The air is warm and moist and full of the scent of burgeoning vegetation.
Magnolia stellata is in full, potently fragrant bloom, and sweet violets are
blooming in the garden.  We have all the doors and windows open, we're
enjoying the sound of the wind chimes, and the house already has the
fragrance of summer. The goldfish are darting around in the pond, and the
first waterlily leaves are up.  It's a nice change to be able to go outside
and feel the hot sun. 

Spring peepers have been in full chorus here for several days. 

Turn your back and something comes into bloom. One big surprise today:
Oxalis 'Garnet' is blooming: it must like the heat. I've been examining this
plant daily for weeks and didn't see this coming. On the other hand,
Corydalis popovii popped into bloom a few days ago and almost overnight the
first flowers were gone. A second flush appeared today - or at least they
were there this morning. 

Will this be the year we have a killing frost in May? Or are we going to
break the 100 degree mark a few times this summer? 

Stay tuned...

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where the temperature has
been over 80 degrees F for the last six hours: fried bulbs, anyone? 

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