pit houses

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com
Thu, 02 Nov 2006 09:17:20 PST
Carlo wrote: "There's a tangible difference, albeit hard to explain, between
walking into one of these, and walking into a greenhouse."


There sure is. It really is a different world in a pit house. Maybe it's the
smell of the earth which forms the below ground walls and the floor. Maybe
it's the fact that your lower torso is half planted itself - and that the
plants are closer to eye level, closer to what you experienced as a kid. One
only has to bend a bit to get the close-up view. When I get down in one of
those old pit houses, I don't want to leave. It feels as if the plants are
embracing you, or as if you're a kid who has jumped into a pile of leaves
and poked out your head into a tuft of dandelions or daisies. 


The one I'm building in my mind will have a space for a tiny table and
something to sit on while a friend and I grab a sandwich and talk plants  -
and electricity for a radio to listen to the opera on Saturday and to have
light in the evening. But nothing fancy, nothing cool: just basic slow-lane
stuff and salvaged materials: heaven!   



Jim McKenney


Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7

My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/


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