Neomarica caerulea 'Regina'

Thu, 16 Nov 2006 22:53:05 PST
It as done very well here planted in the ground in a plastic tunnel 
(flowering  generously at a height of 200cm-6ft). Now planted in the ground 
of a garden on the méditerranen seaside the plant does not perform well. 
Indeed   this genus needs heat and humidity.
Lauw de Jager

From: "James Waddick" <>
> I didn't find a wiki page for this genus and it may be a bit
> marginal since it is barely rhizomatous. A few species have been in
> cultivation for a while and I have grown some, but new to me is this
> one, the true Neomarica caerulea 'Regina'. This is a big plant,
> leaves can get to 6 ft and flowers are rich blue or so say the
> literature. I have been growing a plant for nearly 2 years* with lots
> of foliage and healthy looks, but not a flower.
> Does anyone on PBS grow and flower this with success. What is
> the key- more/less water  more/less fertilizing ??
> Can anyway one share results and post pix?
> * I grow mine in about a 5 gall black nursery pot, never exposed to
> below 35 F, grown in a soilless mix with extra drainage and in mostly
> shade. Indoors now that fall is here.

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