Pic added to wiki Variegated leaf Veltheimia

Doug Westfall eagle85@flash.net
Mon, 16 Oct 2006 09:29:47 PDT
On Monday, October 16, 2006, at 07:00  AM, Terry Hernstrom wrote:

> Aren't most variegations the result of a virus or disease the plant 
> adapts
> to?
I'll leave this question to the "experts"/botanists etc. I do know that 
if there is a "virus", it has not spread to any others in my collection.
> Terry Hernstrom
> Director, Gardens & Grounds
> Kimberly Crest House & Gardens
> Redlands CA. (Where we had a little rain over the weekend,
As we did here in Long Beach, CA
> This looks like a bad virus to me.
> John Grimshaw
John, see comment above.

The variegation in Veltheimias seems fairly well accepted in Australia 
and New Zealand.
There are several of them "popping up" in various places. I also have a 
pink flowered one with slight variegation. The Japanese have introduced 
one within the last couple of years. Also, it produces seeds which are 
100% variegated like the "mother bulb".

Happy hunting",

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