Allium zebdanense

Kelly Irvin
Fri, 20 Apr 2007 14:08:02 PDT

I plunged some bulbs of this in a pot under 1-2" of mulch this past 
fall. I'd say we had a zone 7 winter here in zone 6, and it bloomed for 
me end of March. I found its gracefulness inviting, but I could not get 
a good whole plant picture to reflect that whole plant effect. Nice, though.

Mr. Kelly M. Irvin
10850 Hodge Ln
Gravette, AR 72736
USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6a/b

Jim McKenney wrote:
> While touring the garden this morning, I noticed that Allium zebdanense has
> started to bloom. This is a favorite here.
> It also taught me a lesson, because I eventually killed my original
> acquisition with kindness. Reading that it was from Lebanon, I assumed that
> it would not be winter hardy here. So it was protected in a very sheltered
> place. Over the years it was shifted from one protected place to another,
> and then eventually lost in one of the moves. 
> By then, the company which originally supplied the bulbs had closed. 
> A few years ago I was visiting a new friend's garden, and Allium zebdanense
> seemed to be popping up everywhere in the rockery. At that point, I asked a
> stupid question "It's hardy for you?" 
> Later, I saw it in another local garden, again making itself very much at
> home. My current stock comes from that garden, and is a highly appreciated
> gift.
> This species has white flowers, flowers which are relatively large for the
> size of the plant. The very flexuous scapes are about a foot high. It's very
> delicate looking, and to my eyes very beautiful. 
> I thought Allium haematochiton would be the first Allium to bloom this year;
> it's been in advanced bud for weeks. What's it waiting for? 
> Jim McKenney
> Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where local gardens are
> bright with Darwin Hybrid tulips. 
> My Virtual Maryland Garden
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