Lycoris squamigera

Mon, 06 Aug 2007 22:12:09 PDT
This palm is quite common around here. And L squamigera  thrives very well
in this area. This particular planting in Cassis under that Phoenix is
probably too dry.

Lauw de Jager
South of France (zone 8 Olivier)
Coord. Geogr.(GPS): 43°42' 43" N     4° 32' 12" E

I wonder, is there anywhere in
> the US where both Lycoris squamigera and Phoenix canariensis can be grown
> successfully outside? I'm pretty sure that here on the east coast of North
> America, Lycoris squamigera will not thrive even in the northernmost areas
> where Phoenix canariensis can be grown.
> Lauw, have you seen thriving Lycoris squamigera in the area where you have
> planted them? 

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