Bulbils on the roots?

Brian Whyer brian.whyer@btinternet.com
Fri, 24 Aug 2007 07:42:34 PDT

Mystery bulb time. I have just knocked out a choked pot of bulbs, thinking
it was the same as the Scilla peruviana which I am splitting up. Hardy - it
has been outside under a tree. Bulbs currently 2 - 3cm in diameter.
a) it is not shooting new growth like all the others, but still has this
years tired leaves
b) it looks very similar to the scilla bulbs, and increases the same in that
I am splitting old root plates. Brownish tunic, some signs of yellowing
around neck.
c) it does not smell quite the same, sort of sweetish, (not pungent like
d) it has small bulbils forming along some of the roots

In thought at first I had thrown seed in with the bulbs, but no, they are
growing on the roots. Likely candidates are camassia, other than leichtlinii
(quamash or cusukii?), ornithogalum, galtonia; or something I have forgotten
all about. Leaves were probably long and channelled, not broad.

Any ideas?

Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, zone "wet and cool"
Galtonias still in bloom, Colchicums are just starting to flower, first
nerine showing colour.

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