
P. C. Andrews
Wed, 31 Jan 2007 05:36:58 PST
As I'm typing, the subject line looks like the title of a low grade horror 
There was a discussion of the Macho Mocha bigeneric hybrid (ex Yuccado) a 
few months ago.  I have a follow up observation and question.  Land crabs 
discovered and completely defoliated my Macho Mocha in just two nights, 
eating well into the center.  I potted it up in a tall, smooth-sided pot to 
see if it would recover and after 6 months find that I now have a two-headed 
So my question(s):  Is it possible to split agave or manfreda much like you 
split some bulbs for propagation purposes?  Has anyone attempted this and 
are there any tricks to reduce mortality?  Is dry season splitting likely to 
be better than rainy season?
I'd like to have some idea before I sharpen my cutlass and start 
experimenting with my excess agave.
Phil Andrews

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