I've 'seen' everything now - Dracunculus vulgaris

John T Lonsdale john@johnlonsdale.net
Wed, 06 Jun 2007 08:25:49 PDT
The spadix had been singled out for particular attention.  It was completely
shredded.  The spathe had some gashes but was largely intact.  There was no
evidence of projectile (or any other sort of) vomiting.

The good news is that the plant will be fine for next year because the rest
of it is intact; it was only the 'inflorescence' that was smashed from the

John T Lonsdale PhD
407 Edgewood Drive,
Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA

Home: 610 594 9232
Cell: 484 678 9856
Fax: 801 327 1266

Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at http://www.edgewoodgardens.net/

USDA Zone 6b

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