Time travel and ancient plants

Robin Hansen hansennursery@coosnet.com
Mon, 12 Nov 2007 20:14:54 PST
Oh my, and I feel as though I've only just started to collect and grow bulbs (this, after 20 + years...).

I'm very grateful this subject has come up though and will be spending some time thinking about how best to plan for the future.  Like Jane, a time will come when I'll probably have to move to town and won't have the land or greenhouses for my playground.

Thanks, everyone,

Robin Hansen

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Marguerite English 
  To: Pacific Bulb Society 
  Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 4:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [pbs] Time travel and ancient plants

  I hadn't thought of this recently, since I have fairly common bulbs.   I 
  do have a large collection of rain lilies and a few other collected 
  bulbs, and a daughter who will try to gather them up and send them to 
  the BX.   These notes make me realize that I have to get an 'instruction 
  book' written for her to take care of the bulbs as well as the orchids 
  that someone else could enjoy.  My local garden club will have a great 
  raffle from my conservatory someday!

  Billthebulbbaron@aol.com wrote:
  > This can serve as a reminder to all present-day breeders, and collectors of 
  > rare plants, to make sure the fate of their collections is provided for in 

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