Wiki treatment of families and genera
Fri, 16 Nov 2007 12:22:15 PST
I have begun normalizing and regularizing wiki references to families 
and genera. The "Families" page and the new "Index to Genera" page 
contain the results of my efforts so far.

I am quite certain that the lists of both these pages are incomplete.

That is, they do NOT contain the names of all genera and families 
mentioned or discussed in the wiki. For example, I prepared the list 
of genera by simply doing a text search on "genus" and transcribing 
the names. The end result lacks, inter alia, _Zephyranthes_, which is 
ridiculous but unavoidable given the semi-automated way by which the 
list was created.

Contributors to the wiki are asked to review these pages and supply 
any omissions they are aware of. References to generic and family 
names which are either (a) now obsolete and universally disused in 
contemporary horticulture literature or (b) proposed by botanical 
boffins but not yet accepted in the horticultural literature can be 
handled by entering the name in the relevant list, but linking to the 
page for the currently accepted family or genus name.

If you are not a contributor to the wiki and do not wish to become 
one, but have noticed omissions on these two pages, please reply to 
this message (either on-list or privately) with the gory details. I 
or some other contributor will undertake correction of the wiki.

Please note that at the present, the question of which genus goes 
into which family remains a contentious one. Generally speaking, the 
PBS wiki honors the classification recommended by APG II, but there 
may be errors or omissions in this respect. For the moment, I do not 
propose to undertake correction, normalization or regularization of 
such mixups.

Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Maritime Zone 8, a cool Mediterranean climate

on beautiful Vancouver Island

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