Nerine. Was: What promotes blooming?

Sat, 13 Oct 2007 04:15:03 PDT
The reference are only for reference, the environment
maybe more constant than some place. Just as somewhere
will over 40 degree C at day in summer, but also will
cool down to 10 C at night in summer.

In the reference, they are in a well controlled
constant environment.
There is no big difference in temperature between day
and night.
And the air temperature is not far from the soil

Most the reference are in the way that the temperature
should be referenced as the temperature which bulb
center really suffer to.

Planting in the ground are not as the environment
while potting.
The temperature of the soil in the pot is always
changing with the environment do.
But the deeper the planting depth in the ground, the
less temperature changes will be reflecting rapidly.
While the temperature daylily change over 40 at day or
below 10 C at night, the soil below the 1cm soil will
still in a mild situation on the ground.
The soil is a bad heat conductor.

The reference only shows that the bulb center should
remain in the range which could have a good
inflorenscence formation.
And this range of environment won't affect the part
which are underground for the life cycle and feed the

Fierycloud Taiwan,(USDA Z11, AHS Z12)

--- Paul Tyerman <> 說:

> At 01:11 AM 13/10/2007, you wrote:
> >Hi F.C.,
> >
> >Thanks for the references.  I think my summer
> temperatures may be too high
> >here:  30 - 35°C in summer rather than the
> recommended 17 - 25°C.  My late
> >winter storage, in a greenhouse at 10 - 20°C, may
> also be too warm for the
> >N. bowdenii.
> Jim,
> Summer temps shouldn't be a problem for 
> bowdenii.  They flower extremely well here once 
> established, and we get to 40'C most summers, 
> with weeks above 30'C and plenty above 35'C  They 
> grow fine outside in the gardens here, down to 
> -9'C or more without any problems.  I find though 
> that bowdenii resents disturbance and definitely 
> likes to be crowded.  Hot and dryish summers seem 
> to be the trick, with the best flowering I have 
> seen tending to be the old clumps in established 
> gardens, or planted out on nature strips etc.  Is
> that any help?
> Your miniature angustifolia sounds rather 
> interesting.  I like the smaller Nerines a lot, 
> with my favourites probably at this stage being 
> angulata (can't beat it for flowering..... every 
> mature bulb I find flowers every year, even if 
> divided etc), followed masoniorum (which 
> unfortunately isn't so forgiving of disturbance. 
> <grin>).  I haven't yet flowered my seedlings of 
> angustifolia so I can't compare them though.
> Cheers.
> Paul T.
> Canberra, Australia - USDA Zone Equivalent approx.
> 8/9
> Growing an eclectic collection of plants from all 
> over the world including Aroids, Crocus, 
> Cyclamen, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Galanthus, 
> Irises, Trilliums (to name but a few) and just 
> about anything else that doesn't move!! 
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