Tecophilaea from seed

Roy Herold rherold@yahoo.com
Fri, 22 Aug 2008 07:38:29 PDT
I, too, had some seeds result from my pollen dabbing last spring, on both the regular and leichtlinii types. I was also encouraged to find an offset on one of the corms when repotting last month. Is it normal to see this sort of increase? They seemed to like Rodger's soil recommendation of mostly grit and sand.

For cold climates such as mine where the seed pots would be in a cool greenhouse for the winter, should the seeds be planted now or wait until spring? I'm guessing the former, but I don't want them to sulk and rot during the long winter if they don't come up quickly. What would be the typical germination time for 70f days and 50f nights?

NW of Boston
Starting to plant all those other seeds...

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