bulbs and their requirements. (Ixiolirion again)

Eugene Zielinski eez55@earthlink.net
Wed, 25 Jun 2008 18:05:36 PDT
According to Phillips & Rix (Random House Book of Bulbs), Ixiolirion
tataricum (they list I. montanum and pallasii as synonyms) has a very broad
range from Turkey and Egypt east to western Siberia and Songaria (where?). 
It seems that these bulbs could be found in steppe climates, Mediterranean
climates, and even desert.  Based on my limited experience, the Dutch stock
may have come from cold steppe.  I tried growing these twice.  In central
Pennsylvania, I planted a few bulbs in sandy soil.  They survived the zone
6 winter with no problems, emerging in the spring.  Unfortunately, they
were soon eaten by something, probably a rabbit, or 20 rabbits.  They never
returned, and I never bothered to order them again (the bulbs, not the
rabbits).  In Georgia (zone 8) I tried them in two gallon nursery pots. 
Only a few came up in the spring, and they didn't live long enough to bloom.
My feeling is that if you can grow those species tulips that come from the
steppes, you can grow Ixiolirion.
I'm not 100% sure of this, but I think Ixiolirion is grown commercially in
Israel.  Those strains may stand a better chance of growing in California,
or Georgia, for that matter.

> From: Adam Fikso 
> I find that it's always worthwhile finding out where the bulbs originate. 
> If it's appropriately named  like Ixiolirion tataricum, the species
> by itself is a clue.  It's a Tatar, a steppe bulb, in all likelihood. 
> dry summers, and minimal rains, and lousy soil, and good drainage and
> cold winters--really cold, and lots of limestone in the soil, and sharp 
> drainage, (either that and a sloping clay or terra rossa base where the 
> water drains off before it soaks in very much..)
> Of course this doesn't work for Scilla peruviana!--but we've been over
> more than once.

Not to mention Albuca canadensis!


Eugene Zielinski
(yes, I DO have a bookshelf next to my computer station)
Augusta, GA

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