: over-enthusiastic bulbs

lucgbulot@aol.com lucgbulot@aol.com
Tue, 06 May 2008 02:42:03 PDT
Hi Diane,

I made myself the same comment...

I would be ready to dig out any spare Tulipa hissarica, Narcissus cantabricus petuniodes,Galanthus nivalis, Fritillaria edwardii and Iris trojana that Clayton is about to put on his compost pile !!!

I wonder how much of that was a joke !!!

By the way Iris trojana is doing real well here as well as its natural hybrtid...?but by no means is envasive despite being grown in conditions almost identical to its leaving area in?Turkey...?I love the colour of the flowers and will soon post pics of the plants in my garden in the Wiki (as soon as I have learned how fo "control" the uploading system - thank you Marie Sue for the mail with all explanations)...

First Spuriae are in flowers today (Iris graminea) and for about a week Iris anguifuga has been in full bloom.


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