A list of Drakensberg geophytes with elevations part 2

lucgbulot@aol.com lucgbulot@aol.com
Fri, 02 May 2008 07:51:29 PDT
there we go...

Kniphofia northiae (up to 3000m)
Kniphofia caulescens (up to 3000m)
Kniphofia linearifolia (up to 1980m)
Kniphofia ritualis (2100m to 3100m)
Kniphofia brachystachya (up to 2400m)
Kniphofia breviflora (up to 2400m)
Kniphofia evansii (1800m to 2100m)
Kniphofia fibrosa (up to 2000m)
Kniphofia triangularis (up to 2500m)
Kniphofia thodei (up to 2750m)
Kniphofia porphyrantha (up to 2800m)
Kniphofia fluviatilis (up to 2800m)
Kniphofia ichopensis (up to 2450m)
Kniphofia laxiflora (up to 2450m)
Kniphofia angustifolia (up to 2450m)

Agapanthus campanulatus ssp. patens (up to 2400m)

All species prefers damp or marshy grasslands, and streambeds (sometimes in running water), only K. northiae is sometimes found among rocks.

Tulbaghia acutiloba (up to 1800m)
Tulbaghia alliacea (up to 1580m)
Tulbaghia ludwigiana (up to 1900m)
Tulbaghia leucantha?(up to 2500m)
Tulbaghia natalensis (up to 1800m)

All species are recorded from rocky grasslands and damp cliffs

Albuca fascigiata var. floribunda (1800m to 2400m)
Albuca humilis (up to 2800m)
Albuca polyphylla (up to 2800m)
Albuca pachychlamys (up to 2400m)
Albuca shawii (up to 2400m)
Albuca rupestris (up to 2450m)

All species seems to prefer rocky grounds such as crevices of rock sheets, large boulders, gravel-silt patches...

I have to do a break for today but will carry on later today or tomorrow...


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