Invasive ? plant lists
Thu, 04 Sep 2008 02:15:18 PDT
Leaving aside the excellent comments preceding mine here. One aspect of this wider issue is that those who work for government departments and some NGOs take the view, or so it seems, that to make blanket proscriptions against this or that is a reflection of their being on the ball, or any other silly metaphor, when all it reveals is the paucity of their intellectual talents combined of course by their egregious laziness. Such mindlessness is not restricted to governments in any one country, right now this topic relates to the USA but believe me please, these people are a genetic intellectual subgroup to be found in all countries and can be regarded as one of the ways to soak up the unemployable in the private sector.

Most people can cite instances where such bereft thinking invariably results in the contempt for the regulations themselves and much effort is spent, intellectually or otherwise in circumventing these unnecessary restrictions. This in short order becomes an end-game in itself, as in " lets run rings round these ..........s". Sadly the downside also includes material which should never be acquired, introduced, etc but the whole 'game' assumes a respectability amongst group peers. Here in Scotland we have an ancient and honourable tradition of running rings round government agencies since the Union in 1707, whether it is illicit whisky distillation where nobody who was caught ever suffered the opprobrium from their social network right through to modern times with other activities, doubtless in the US and elsewhere the same 'games' carry on, witness your prohibitions days.

In a previous post or two on this, the point was made about species getting away in one location but never able to do so in others, Cardiocrinum gigantium in south eastern Australia being one good example but it doesn't happen in any other state in Australia. I frequently am asked to send seed of Scots thistles to Canada / USA by some of the Scots Diaspora but never do, most of these thistle species are a notifiable agricultural weed here which require statutory controls on grazing and crop land by owners. Controls are needed, sensible controls based on sound judgement not blanket barring because just nobody has the data to support it nor the intellectual desire to collect it first. 

You will usually find folk like those that living in high rise apartments with an extreme disconnect between their urban life and that of the rural one are the same who inroduce these daft regulations. Ce la vie. Fight against it and resist it fellow bulbophiles.


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