Dahlias do not return

Bob Hoel bob.hoel@comcast.net
Wed, 03 Jun 2009 18:05:59 PDT

I have grown dahlias here in the Chicago area for many years.  As you
probably know, they are not necessarily winter hardy, depending on the
severity of your winters, so this can be one factor.  Normally here in
Chicago we have to lift the dahlias and store them for the winter
because the temperatures are just more than they can handle.  As I grow
them at the base of my greenhouse wall, I can leave them in the ground
over the winter and they will regrow the next Spring, but not all
varieties make it.

Another complicating factor beside ground temperature and the depth that
the ground freezes to is the amount of moisture in the ground.  Dahlias
will not tolerate too much water.  If the ground retains more water in
the winter/spring, they have a tendency to rot.

Finally, as you suggested, some varieties are just less hardy than
others.  No one advertises this so you can only go on word of mouth

Bob Hoel

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