One thing that makes weeding this easier; it's edible, and actually tasty! While getting some fresh air, and cleaning up the garden, I get some good Spring greens too! There are supposedly six species of Galanthus blooming at the moment, and I'm finally beginning to be able to see the differences, now that I can actually compare them. Of course, they are all cute, even the ones that I now think are mislabeled! One of my favorite plants, Helleborus purpurea has been in flower for nearly a month; the flowers start small and short, and slowly enlarge in both height and size; the leaves emerge later. I love the soft rose/mauve color. Several strains of Cyclamen coum are dotted about, adding a touch of color. In the window box are C. pseudibericum and creticum, both first time flowering sowings. Also several species of Crocus (asumaniae (over), tommasinianus (now), malyi (now), heuffelianus (now and WOW), etruscus (accidentily forced), angustifolius (accidentily forced ), many from PBS seed. Thanks again to all the people who donated the seed! The Ypsilandra thibetica is also blooming; not really a bulb, but if you run across one, you should take it homej. There are many things up with buds showing, so Spring is close! Got to go slug hunting now, for the one that ate half the leaves on my one flowering size Erythronium hendersonii ... arrrgggghhhh! Dave Brastow - Tumwater, Washington