Suggesting use of a Forum

Kathleen Sayce
Sun, 31 May 2009 11:14:10 PDT
One of the things I like a lot about the way things happen on the PBS  
is that I see all messages at one place. That makes it really easy to  
right away which ones I want to read and which I want to ignore. It also
means that should one of the ones I ignored turn hot, I?m likely to  
the volume of responses and then check out what the excitement is all  

Like Jim, the wandering around among topics I really enjoy. I  
probably don't write as much as I could, but I definitely enjoy  
reading responses. I find hunting around among topics on a subject  
sorted site to be a bit more time consuming, and while I do follow  
along on those subject-structured sites, I find that I read them  
weekly or monthly instead of daily--and I enjoy reading the PBS  
messages by email very much every day.

With the others who have written to please ask people to not copy all  
content in a message before sending a reply, I add my agreement:  
please copy only the content that is pertinent to your response. Please!

As for plants in my garden that are flowering right now, I find I  
have mystery irids (labels lost, or clearly not what I ordered from  
various vendors), common but delightful Hyacinthoides hybrid in  
masses with fringecups and English daisies. I let them grow in my  
lawn areas, then mow them down as they start to set dry down.
Camas is at the end of a very nice show this year, Libertia has  
started flowering, and a couple of dozen lilies have sturdy stems,  
including Lilium superbum, which I moved from a shady dry site last  
year to a sunny, damp site last year. I'm starting to track  
bumblebees in my yard, which visited camas flowers regularly, 2-4 ft  
off the ground.
We had a cold winter here last year, and I was delighted to see that  
most of my Crinum lilies survived (C. x powellii). They won't flower  
for weeks, but have numerous healthy leaves despite the onslaught of  
slugs and snails as the weather warmed up.
My Erythronium lilies set seed this year due to nice pollenation  
weather when they were flowering, so I plan to send seed to the PBS  
seed exchange.

Pacific NW, on Willapa Bay, north of the Columbia River.

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