Terminology Test

Hannon othonna@gmail.com
Tue, 12 May 2009 20:58:14 PDT

You must have ensured that your teachers earned their pay!

Re: corm, I had forgotten about last year's discussion. I wish I could
supply some decent literature in this department but it is quite
scant. I am still in process of writing up the subject of "tuberous
aroids" for Aroideana and digging up pertinent or supporting papers is
not easy.

I would put it slightly differently but I think we are driving at the
same thing. I think the rhizomatous habit is the key baseline idea,
and what it has evolved into in certain groups. It seems to be the
most primitive rootstock type though this is mainly supposition on my
part. The stem portion of a bulb and the corms we have been talking
about both are derived, I think, from a rhizomatous ancestor/s that
have become more compact, modified, stylized or modular. Clivia and
Cryptostephanos both are thought-provoking in this regard in an
otherwise bulbous plant family (also rhizomatous in at least some
Scadoxus). They seem, vegetatively, ancestral and unspecialized.

I would still maintain the idea that we need a workable and firm
system of classification for all morphologies; it is unfortunate that
rootstocks have gotten short shrift in this regard. I think your
objection is that this should not force us to cram every example into
a given category or definition. I agree. We must accept that there are
anomalous expressions out there and we can handle them descriptively.


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