Terminology Test

Hannon othonna@gmail.com
Tue, 12 May 2009 18:42:54 PDT

I suppose it has to do with the time span between flowers and leaves.
Calochortus and Brodiaea, etc., also flower "following the foliage" so
to speak. It is usually a clear case-- I can't think of many geophytes
that flower virtually in the middle of dormancy. This would be
presumably the most hostile time of year for any kind of production.
Closest thing I know is Strumaria aestivalis, a lovely villous-leaved
thing that flowers in August-- when I invariably miss it.

Still, I don't know of a term for the plants that flower shortly after
the leaves die down or as they are browning.


On 12/05/2009, Arnold Trachtenberg <arnold@nj.rr.com> wrote:
> Dylan:
>  I could see how this sets up a chicken or the egg scenario.  When do you
>  start the observation when the flowers appear or when the leaves
>  appear.  Depending on the perspective it could be either.
>  Do the flowers appear before the leaves in Colchicum or after the
>  leaves.  Is there an accepted 'convention' to determine the beginning?
>  Arnold
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