Scilla lingulata ciliolata and some crocuses

Tue, 27 Oct 2009 09:28:29 PDT
Dear all,
 This species  is also known under the genus Hyacinthoides. Its bulbs  not 
all like those of the  Scillas and are very similar to Hyacinthoides 
hispanica.  (Fleshy with  hardly any outer tunic). The form Jim mentioned 
(with its typical neat 'rosette') is the  last flowering form. Other forms 
are flowering from end of August onwards. A very worthwhile  decoratif 
species  but for some reason rarely demanded.
Kind greetings
Lauw de Jager (South of France) 

-----Original Message-----

From: "Jim McKenney"  If I understand the name correctly,
this one is well named. The neat rosette of leaves do suggest tongues, and

the bristles which line the edges of the  leaves account for the ciliolata

part.  As it grows here, this is a very neat, tidy plant. 

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