Off topic: Davidia seed request

Mark McDonough
Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:01:21 PDT
Hello PBS'rs,

Judging from the many requests I got from PBS members for Davidia seed, I think the PBS group should be renamed POT (Pacific Ornamental Trees) group, haha :-)  Not sure if I'll be able to gather as much seed as I have requests for, but will see what I can do.  I'll be in tough privately with those that made seed requests.

Thanks also for well wishers regarding being laid off. I'm actively working on correcting the situation. Hmmm, each davidia seed, at $50 each, equals...????
[just joking]

One of my great frustrations when I was working all the time, and had a very long daily commute, was that I often completely missed plants flowering in the garden, with sitings of such things as autumn crocus nearly always passing me by.  Well, now I'm getting more chance to see (and smell) them, with C. asumaniae being amongst the most beautiful and fragrant, although C. pallasii is also worth getting down on one's belly to catch a wiff.  Was surprised to see a seedling crocus blooming today, and it is C. niveus, which is a welcome sight as my original stock of niveus had completely died out.

Mark McDonough
Massachusetts, near the New Hampshire border, USDA Zone 5

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