future Boopharygia ?

Ken kjblack@pacbell.net
Fri, 27 Aug 2010 21:18:54 PDT
My efforts to play bumblebee on a Boophone disticha, using frozen pollen from a White xAmarygia, seems to have helped produce a bumper crop of seed: 
Hopefully, this seed will germinate and grow, and some will prove to be a valid cross with desirable traits of both parents.   
I am a bit surprised at the quantity of seed as the mother plant is only five years old.  It's two blooming sibling bulbs of the same age, on which I used fresh Boophone pollen exclusively, are not developing as many fruit capsules, and with apparently fewer seeds per capsule.. Also, the seed in them does not seem to be developing as quickly ... even though my pollinating efforts occurred at the same time.  
San Diego

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