massonia, daubenya seed germinating

J.E. Shields
Sat, 02 Jan 2010 13:24:05 PST
So far as I know, no seeds need bottom heat.  South African seeds, the dry 
ones that are dormant, need day-night temperature cycling.  If you use 
bottom heat anyway, be sure to turn it off overnight.  My South African 
greenhouse is warmer during the day than at night (at least when the sun 
shines), so  I have not had much trouble getting dry South African seeds to 
germinate, so I may be underestimating the problems.

Germinating the seeds is not usually the problem.  I have had a very tough 
time growing Daubenya as bulbs, while Massonia, Lachenalia, and Polyxena 
are easy here.  All my Daubenya have died, so far.

These have evolved to survive climates that undergo severe dry 
seasons.  Keep the seeds dry until you are ready to plant them.  Start then 
in your autumn, if they are from winter-growing species.  Start them in 
your spring if they are summer growing species.

Good luck!

Jim Shields
in Westfield, Indiana
where it is definitely winter.

At 08:51 PM 1/2/2010 +0000, someone wrote:

>Afternoon all... do massonia and daubenya seeds need bottom heat to 
>germinate? Thanks, Lisa

James E. Shields, president
P.O. Box 92                 WWW:
Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA                         Tel. +1-317-867-3344

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