Export information

William Aley aley_wd@me.com
Mon, 18 Jan 2010 19:54:36 PST
Question about re-export and 'is APHIS is aware of specific import   
requirements for re-export" - Be aware that for commodities that are  
transiting through the USA under a re- export phytosanitary  
certificate, those items are not grown in the USA, nor do they qualify  
for consideration as a product of USA. In the case of bulbs. if the  
plants are not planted in the USA, the only pests would be those that  
attack as storage pests or opportunistic for dormant bulbs, all other  
plant pest association  with would be with the country of production.  
Often the re-export phyto states for those commodities that enter the  
USA and then are immediately  re-exported out of the USA "the plants  
and plant products in this shipment have meet the entry requirements  
of the USA at the time of import ". If the plants are only ransiting  
and never entering the USA often the original phytosanitary  
certificate says with the shipment when it changes carriers to leave  
the USA. The officer will stamp the paperwork  'Authorized for export  
only, not authorized to enter the USA".

  If the plants have been grown in the USA, an export phytosanitary  
certificate is issued and plant pests of the USA are a factor for  
meeting the import conditions of the receiving country.

Link for the APHIS Export manual where the cooperators obtain their  
information :

Local questions concerning Export or Re- Certificates may be directed  
to the Export Certification Specialist (http://aphis.usda.gov/import_export/plants/… 
) in your State or the State of export.

Questions may also be directed to Export Services, APHIS Headquarters,  
Riverdale, MD  by calling ( 301) 734-8262 or by e-mailingPPQExportServices@aphis.usda.gov

hope this helps

William Aley

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