Roy Herold rherold@yahoo.com
Wed, 06 Jan 2010 18:29:18 PST
I second that motion, Ina! When visiting South Africa a few years ago we 
looked up fellow PBS member Rogan Roth in Pietermaritzburg. He was kind 
enough to take us through the botanic gardens at the university, 
followed by a nice lunch at a local cafe.

Who knew you got such great perks from PBS?

Unrelated to PBS, I've had a good time here taking visitors from South 
Africa through the local cranberry bogs. They were utterly fascinated!

In the deep freeze NW of Boston

Ina wrote:
> Have just had 3 very pleasant days thanks to PBS.  Someone in Sweden was 
> coming to Auckland, New Zealand and emailed me for info what to see and 
> do for the 3 spare days he had.  

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