
Floral Architecture
Thu, 21 Oct 2010 21:16:50 PDT
My aunt in Ohio, z5, loves callas. Every year I get a few for the patio or 
garden. I've had more cultivars than I can remember. The ones that I can 
remember are Giant Spotted (from Plant Delights), Zwartzwalder, Black Star and 
Flame (from Brent and Becky's) and many a mix of other colors from local 
retailers. They have nearly all survived the winters in the open ground 10' to 
30' from the house. They bloom reliably each year. 

A couple have gone so far as to reseed. I took a photo if anyone is interested. 
There are a few varieties that have disappeared over time but I don't remember 
what they are as I am not there to see all of them in bloom to know their 
colors. I only know a few key placements and ones that still have labels (that 
the family kids have pulled out). 

I am pretty sure that the lighter purples are not there. 
As far as a yellow variety of Z. aethiopica and am not sure. There are some 
really large yellow callas that are the same size of  aethiopica but I do 
believe they are a hybrid. 

John Ingram in Camarillo, CA, between Santa Barbara and L.A. "Your Clivia Connection"
New number >>> 805.914.9505 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. 
Thank you) 

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