Fringed Tulips

Judy Glattstein
Mon, 18 Apr 2011 08:48:04 PDT
My copy of the 1996 edition of the classified list & international 
register of tulip names lists 'Fringed Beauty' as a sport of 'Titian'  
and 'Titian' is in the double early group so 'Fringed Beauty' is that 
rarity among fringed tulips - a double.. 'Fringed Beauty' received the 
AM-KAVB in 1931. No mention of its date of introduction but introduction 
and award(s) seem to coincide.

'Apeldoorn' sported and produced 'Fringed Apeldorn' introduced in 1971, 
which year it received TGA-KAVB. In turn, 'Fringed Apeldorn' sported and 
produced 'Fringed Solstice' in 1989.

'Jewel of Spring' sported and resulted in 'Fringed Elegance' introduced 
in 1974 which received both TGA-KAVB and AM-KAVB that same year.

There's also 'Fringed Family', in many cases multiflowered, introduced 
in 1994; 'Fringed Golden Apeldorn' - care to guess what it is a sport 
of?; 'Fringed Lilac' and more than a page of other fringed cultivars. 
Don't have time to check out all of them, but those I did look up - 
starting with 'Aleppo' and skipping to 'Wendy' - seem to mostly have 
been introduced mid twentieth century.

Judy in rather soggy New Jersey, where 2.55 inches of rain over Saturday 
/ Saturday night has left the clay soil in my garden somewhat squishy in 

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